Monday, August 18, 2008

August Meeting

Our August meeting will be on Tuesday the 26th from 7:00-8:30 in the Windsor House of the Ronald McDonald House on Roanoke Ave.

This month our topic is nutrition. We will be focusing on heart healthy nutrition and the best way to meet the dietary needs of our CHD children. Our guest speaker is Melissa Doggett MSRD. She is a pediatric dietitian working at St.Joe's. You may already know her as she works with the heart kids :)

Please contact either Elayne Slevin at or Kym Vierthaler at if you have any questions or need more information.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Financial Aide

There has been a lot of discussion on the PD-Heart message board I subscribe to about financial aide for our heart kids. Here is the summary of what was shared with links to the necessary sites.

Social Security Disability, (SSI) eligibility is based on parental income as well as medical disability.

Medicaid eligibility depends on several factors. Any child who is eligible for and receives SSI is automatically enrolled in Mediciad. This is a federal program with uniform standards administered by the Social Security Administration.SSI eligibility depends on both household income and medical determination of disability. If a family is over the income guidelines, a child will not get SSI regardless of the level of disability. Two things can change that - once the child is 18, their income alone is considered rather than parental income, and any child who is 'institutionalized' (hospitalized) for an entire calendar month is eligiblefor that month regardless of parental income.