Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cold and Flu Season

I want to thank Stacy Grohill for joining us for our November meeting!

Stacy Grohill is an acute care PNP at St. Joseph Hospital and Medical Center in the pediatric cardiac ICU. She presented the best ways to keep our children healthy during this cold and flu season.

The predictions are for this year to be a "flu" year, where the flu is seen more than R.S.V. Of course please take all precautions to safeguard your children for both.

Her reccomendations are as follows:
  • teach children to cough/sneeze into their sleeve
  • wash hands or use hand sanitizer
  • keep well hydrated at all times (even if not sick)
  • avoid hugely populated places

  • Children up to the age of 2 may be eligible for Synagis Injections. This is a monthly shot taken every 30 days and is given based upon the child's weight


  • There is the option of a flu shot. Please note that it takes 15-20 days to become effective. If your child is showing any cold symptoms wait to get the shot. And DO NOT get the flu shot if there is a history of past adverse reactions or allergies to eggs, latex or dairy.

**And be sure to wait at least 6 weeks post-op before having your child get any immunizations**

If you have any further questions about cold and flu season feel free to contact Stacy Grohill at

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November Meeting

Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 25 from 7:00-8:30 at the Ronald McDonald House on Roanoke.

This month we will be discussing ways to keep our children healthy during the flu and cold season.

We will be joined by Stacey Grohall, an acute care PNP at St Joseph Hospital and Medical Center in the pediatric cardiac ICU.

She will be sharing her expert advice with us.

We hope you can join us!

Friday, November 7, 2008

You are Invited to Luke's 2nd Birthday Party

Luke's 2nd Birthday Party!

Members Dale and Cheryl Warren would like to invite our heart families to join them in celebrating Luke's 2nd Birthday.

You're invited to Luke's 2nd birthday party!

Come and enjoy the big park, a bounce house, pizza and birthday cake!
Kids can bring their bikes/scooters/rollerskates if they would like.
Please NO Presents, just come and have fun!

When: Saturday, December 6, 10:00AM to 2:00PM

Where: Anthem Community Park, Train Station Ramada
Anthem Way & Gavilan Peak Pkwy, Anthem, AZ 85086

Directions: Take the Anthem Way exit off I-17 and turn right (east).
Go to the light at Gavilan Peak Parkway and turn right.
Take your first left and you're there!